Check out the benefits:
Digital Security
Through cryptography, the security of testimonials and declarations are guaranteed, ensuring the authenticity of the content.
Electronic signature
The platform allows the electronic signature of documents.
Recorded in audiovisual formats, the platform guarantees a reliable system, which does not allow editing.
Audiovisual Recording
Allows audio and video recording or audio only, organizing the records through the different indexing fields.
Through video conferencing, the system allows "digital confrontation", confronting divergent information and are archived in the process.
Possibility of integration with other systems, allowing adaptability and ease of data management

Key On for Education
With the pandemic, institutions had to urgently adopt several platforms to serve their remote students. Over time, distance learning, which had already been growing in Brazil, became a reality. Now, the challenge for institutions is to provide an immersive and inclusive experience between remote and face-to-face students.
According to the Gartner study, "Strategic Priorities for Higher Education CIOs", the pandemic has intensified the significant value of technology, causing CIOs to prioritize and optimize demands between culture and investment._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ The study predicts that by 2026, classrooms will become increasingly flexible, making physical presence only in essential cases.